Fridays are fun because i get to answer your questions

Friday, August 13, 2010

Here's how it goes, tomorrow I'm going to be mad busy most of the day, so I won't really have a chance to answer the questions I am required to by court. So I'll answer them tonight, since hey it's Friday anyway I guess right? Right! So let's get started!

Anonymous asked:
Cake or pie?

A remarkable question, and one that I endorse. Off the cuff, I believe I'll have to go with pie, though I do love both. I don't know, there's something wholesome and good about pie. It's so rural America in my mind. And it's so delicious, and seems to take a skill that pie doesn't, which means it's baked with more love and goodness. Cake is still delicious, don't get me wrong. I love cake, but it feels so much more indulgent than pie. Eating pie just feels more right and virtuous to me. 

Anonymous asked:
The answer to this question will be the answer I will blindly adhere to for the rest of my life.

Oh man this is a lot of pressure I hope I can answer in a good way. 
"Over-exaggerate" is awesome and interesting because it seems redundant. I personally support the phrase, but I totally understand if people don't. I like it because it seems to mean to exaggerate too much. To exaggerate the exaggeration, so to say. It implies that there is an upwards limit to how much you can exaggerate something. Which means you can also "under-exaggerate". It adds relativity to something that seems to transcend relativity. I really like this, I think it's an awesome concept. 
So I guess yes it is okay. Have fun adhering. 

Anonymous asked:
If you contracted a disease in which every time you wrote a word you would be overwhelmed with pain would you still continue writing?

Honestly? Probably not. 
I realize this is the wrong answer, and that I should say I would follow my chosen craft to the ends of the Earth no matter the personal pain and suffering it would bring! But, really, if writing down a word would cause me overwhelming pain, I would probably stop writing down words. I mean, I love writing, I love putting down ideas and thinking up stories and trying out concepts and making little rhythms and rhymes and wordplays, and I want to do it for as long as possible, because it's fun, and I like doing it. And I would really like to do this with my life, and I think I'd be willing to sacrifice a lot for writing. Simply because I enjoy it so much. And I realize that pain and enjoyment are not necessarily opposing concepts, and you can have fun with something that is painful and everything like that. But being overwhelmed with pain with every word I put down doesn't sound like something I would want. And I guess I'd get used to the pain, but I definitely wouldn't write as much, I wouldn't write just for the hell of it like I do now, which would mean I'd probably fall out of practice, which would mean that I wouldn't be as good of a writer, which would mean I wouldn't want to write as much, and it'd just be this unending cycle of me not writing. 
And okay yes I realize I kind of need writing for the therapy and everything like that, but I think I'd be able to creatively express myself in other ways. Probably not as effectively, but I think I could still do it. 

Anonymous asked:
If you were the person to be standing outside alone when aliens landed, making first contact,
1.what would be the first thing you said to them
2.what would be the first human-achievement kinda thing you'd show them
3.what would be the first art-related thing you'd show them
4.if you had the option to leave with them and go back to their incredibly advanced super-society in which you would be able to stimulate your mind in unimaginable ways, unable to return to earth ever again... would you go

My answers are totally assuming there is no real communication barrier or anything, which really wouldn't be the case. I read an article recently talking about what is probably the best thing to do if confronted by aliens, and it basically said to figure out if they respond to light, and to demonstrate somehow that you can think intelligently.

1. "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind."
Except not, because I'd probably not quote Kurt Vonnegut for it. Man, I really don't know. Something like the above would really work, though. I know it's the sort of thing I'd want to hear first thing if I landed on an alien world. But I suppose I should be more original about it. Maybe something like, "Hey, welcome to Earth, I suppose your world's pretty great too, but I think this place is pretty ideal." 

2. Damn, that's a hard question. Especially since the art thing is covered in the next one. I mean, the two main branches of Human achievements is arts and sciences, and of those it seems to me that art is the only one that would be uniquely human in a way. I am in no way dissing sciences by saying that, but I just mean that science seems to kind of be a universal thing, something that would exist in all societies, especially ones that would be advanced enough to visit other planets. And really, I don't think I'm the right sort of person to show off our scientific achievements. Maybe I'll show them a Tesla Coil or something, because those are rad. Or maybe something ubiquitous and awesome, like indoor plumbing or fridges. I guess even science wouldn't really be universal, because aliens would be so inhuman that the problems they would want to solve with science would be completely different. Man, maybe even something like domesticated animals or, like, farms would be amazing to them. 

3. Hmm, wow, that is hard to answer. Obviously I would want to prove humanity's brilliance and advancement in the arts, but I don't think I'm really educated enough to really know the pinnacle of man's artistic potential. Besides, I keep of kind of forgetting that an alien will have an alien mind. What I consider to be completely brilliant and mindblowing might be completely mindless or simply not make any sense to them. Which presents a dilemma: do I show something completely and brilliantly human, or something I think they would consider brilliant? Do I want them to know us, or do I want them to like us? If it's the first, then I don't know man, I might have to go with my favourite contemporary book. Which I think would be Overqualified by Joey Comeau. This might be a weird or a bad answer but it's the answer I have. 

4. Oh good golly I do believe this is the hardest question I have gotten yet. Basically it's the choice between all the pleasures of this world, and all the pleasures of another. My first instinct, I think, would be to stay, but again I think that this is the wrong answer. And it feels a bit selfish, in a way. It's just that I really like the Earth, I really like the pleasure and suffering here, and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. But it's the sort of thing that it feels like the coward's way out, only going with what is familiar, going with what I trust to be good, instead of going out and trying my happiness somewhere else. Gah, oh my goodness, I really have no idea. I mean, I don't want to live somewhere super-advanced, I don't want to only stimulate my mind, I like being here right now, I like being human. I don't want to give up my humanity by leaving human society. But I guess I'll always be human. I think I could only go if I could get the answer to one question: Would I still be able to be between the ground and the sky? Because man, I know I would get lonely, I know I won't really be able to relate to anyone there, I know I might lose my sense of self and I might be unhappy. But I don't want to live my life scared of "might"s, and it'd be as true on that other planet as much as it's true here, I think. As long as I'm between the ground and the sky, I'll be okay. 

Okay, that's it for this week I guess. I don't know, I'm mad tired. Ask me a question if you think of one. 


I said... Today's quiz is "Are You Cake or Pie", no joke. Find out the "scientific" way!