I guess this ends my summer of tumblr. You had a good run, tumblr, but you could never hold me down for long, I'm like a wild stallion, always chasing that sunset, you know? Of course you know! You're blogspot! You know everything! Sorry I said some mean things when I left!
Don't worry people who would worry about what'll change on this blog. Why do people worry so much? What sort of person worries about changes on a blog? Especially on my blog. Do I want these sort of people reading my blog? (Of course I do! I want all sort of people to read my blog! Also I like the word blog!) So yeah, don't worry worrying people, everything about the tumblr blog you came to love will still be here. Except for links, because fuck links. But yeah, I'll still answer your questions every Friday! There's even a link on the side there back to the old tumblr question asker thingie, because I don't know how to make a blogspot question thinger, so there it is! Sorry if this is confusing, but all will be made clear soon enough!
To bright horizons!
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