oh golly that got away from me

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I was just looking for a new desktop background, and I remembered this photographer I liked for a while. He goes by the name of EVIL Patrick, and he did the photography for The Fugitive's album, Eccentrically We Love. The album had mad crazy art and I was looking for something similar. EVIL Patrick is a very good photographer, but I didn't find anything I really liked enough to put as my background. So I kept the one I have, it's still pretty. Anyway, on his site I did find this blog post called "Why Fireworks are Lame". I was slightly disappointed, it was mostly trumped up environmentalist bullshit and some "are people so simple that bright lights and noises amaze them this much?" And okay yes these are valid points, fireworks are shitty to the environment and maybe we shouldn't have this animal of a reaction to them, but I still like fireworks. I guess because I have an animal brain or something, but whatever. 
Actually, that's precisely why I like fireworks. They totally tap into something primal and vital in people's heads. The closest comparisons I can make to watching fireworks is watching a storm or a good band play a good show. There is the precise same reaction, to me at least, and there's the precise same immediacy to the act. I was talking to a friend a while ago about the Canada Day Fireworks, and he mentioned how this year they seemed to be better than last years, and I honestly could not compare the two. I mean, I remember the two events, I remember the emotions, I remember where I was and what I saw, but I could not compare them. I don't know really know why, it's like they were both so entrenched in the moment that I could not wrench them from that moment, and force them side by side in my memory. And I think, I honestly think, that any moment has the potential to be that entrenched in itself, and really the best moments are incomparable, even to similar moments. Fireworks are just easier to see this way. 
I don't really know man, I just like incomparable moments. I heard that perfection is found in the search for perfection, but life is never perfect, only moments are. And I like perfect moments. That may seem kind of self-evident, and unnecessary to say, but you ever think that maybe the things that are too obvious to say are precisely the things that need to be said? I think this all the time. And perfect moments aren't like what Vonnegut talked about when he said to notice when you're happy (though that is important too), because it seems like perfection and happiness are completely different things. Perfect moments are an entirely subjective, personal thing, I find. And they only last a moment. And it seems weird to say that perfection and happiness are different things, but it's like perfection has more to do with the Hindu concept of Dharma, which is basically every person's true path. When I think back to the moments I consider perfect in my own life, they are entirely who I want to be. My perfect moments are when I'm following my Dharma. And yeah I don't especially know my Dharma, but I'm getting a better idea, I think. And I've probably freaked out about this before but I think it's crazy that Dharma means both true path and teachings, like they're the same thing. And oh my goodness I am reading a lot about Buddhism right now and a lot of it is making a lot of sense. Like when I first read that Buddha considered 'right meditation' key to achieving Nirvana I kind of lost faith in the whole thing because that seemed to be more of the blind following of ritual that pisses me off about most religions, but then I read about meditation and it's a lot about growing self-awareness and feeling every part of your body and mind in a spiritual way, like just being yourself and being aware of yourself you can become enlightened, and I guess that works into this idea lately that any part of something includes the whole of something, and this could be applied to the universe like if I studied a goddamn Dr. Seuss book enough, eventually I will know physics and chemistry and I really like this idea, because it means that any object is spiritual, any book is a holy book, any man is a holy man, anything that achieve Nirvana.