Yesterday. Chipmunk.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear Very Fun Words, Yesterday, being Monday September 6th, you were in a Chimpmunk, NO wait. A Chipmunk mood. Yes. I drew you this because you, sir are a Scholar and a Magician if I have ever known one. Enjoy the words everyone.

Alter Ego: There is a girl, whom from zero old until old has been named after a famous cheese. Her name is Cheese Barbara. When she was young, she had Attention Deficit Disorder.

"Watching Fraggle Rock at your dad's house was the best. I do not get cable in my house" Cheese would tell her best friend, who's father was paying for cable t.v. in the late 80s and early 90s.
"Yeah. I like staying at my dad's house. Television is SO IMPORTANT IN MY LIFE. CABLE ROCKS. FRAGGLE ROCKs. And like you were-" Cheese would right then be distracted by a half opened man-hole cover half a kilometer away and just have to run as fast as she could for it. -She also had super vision as her young person power- (Everyone had one young person power that they loose by the exact time that they turn nine years in old. Don't you remember yours?) Ms. young Cheese's friend was cut off by the explosive force of the near instantaneous-nuss of her friend's (Cheese, that is) running.

Her ADD, incredible running and supreme-o' vision were GREAT for her: being stupid fit, exploring things and expanding her comprehension of the verse around her. (As in UNIverse, sort of verse). She h
ardly even noticed that this disorder existed in her, with her, for her. Her not as good looking as her friends did notice, however. THEY NOTICED HARD and it made their lives HARD and relationships with her would always become just too HARD. CHeese barely noticed even this and would make new friends as fast as she could run. Very fast is the answer. Very Fast Words. Fast running.

One day, in her slightly not as YOUNG days, a group of not nearly as good looking classmates made up the term "CHEESE IT" for running away at break-ankle-speed without warning.

Cheese is still beautifully fit from her ADD running. She is tearing up her last year of High School. Tearing the shit out of it. She is faster and older after all. Just after class, some more also not good-looking people invited her to go get BOOOOOOOOOOOOO rritoes. She says to this "Suretainly, I am fuck hungry as anyone my teenage age." So, shit. They are walking down the road, but when they arrive to just in front of the adolescent restaurant establishment. THe not main-character people EXHALE ONE BIG-PLUME of "CHEESE IT!" They dash the fuck (not as fast as Cheese would) away. Probably to some cheap and not good-looking strip club. Cheese stood there. She stood there. She is standing. Watching. She watches the reflections of the the blurry-blue jeans of the minor characters' legs, oscillating in terrible unison, in the puddled and shinny streets. She did not move. She was distracted by nothing. Her eyes comfortably fixated on the flapping baseball jackets of the 90s that these fellas were-a-wearin'. She noticed her lack of movement by feeling the places that her legs were not going.
"I'm still hungry" she told the reflections. She took the few quick steps to the Burrito shindig that no one was diggin'. (And I mean, who does not dig BO rritoes? WHO? I ASK YOU).

'CHEESE IT' became a "thing." People just kept running away from CHeese and forget to become friends with her. Eventually everyone 'cheesed it' and Cheese would always stand still and watch until her not as powerful eyes could not see them. She never had to, nor ever did run spontaneously away from anyone ever again. Her mind became calm and focused. She stopped watching Fraggle Rock and she never ever ran anywhere. Her fitness went from beautiful to american -stereotype- notgoodatall. Without running, nor the pull for exploration, she bacame slow in movement and gained minor-character amounts of weight. She did not notice that her ADD was gone, so she could not miss it.

She is now fat. Her name is still Cheese. The other characters are still not nearly as good looking as her. She is Beautiful. Live on Fraggle Rock.

DayMoon out. Tuesday Sept. 7th
--Oh, yes. For the information, I will be updating this here wonderful blog every Tuesday. Expect some.--