You may not know this, but what you hold in your hands is explosive.
I am avoiding writing a response to an Emily Dickinson poem and Lee is doing the dishes.
So last night Lee and I tried (and failed) to attend a Young Rival concert, which was balls because I really wanted to see Young Ri
val again. We stayed home and ate nachos and pretended instead, which was also sweet, because we had nachos. And apple pie. And Nirvana the Band. And Norm was there, too (or was he? I can't really remember. srsly, was he?).
Alvin is in O-town rocking that poor, sad city with his obscene, lady-killing presence. He brought a DVD copy of Disney's Robinhood with h
im. So if you live in Ottawa and you're totally itching to see that movie, then hit him up.
Who even reads this? Besides my mother? Mom, why don't you ever comment. It would probably seriously boost Lee's confidence. Try it sometime.
Hyperlink Assault (should be a video game. OR a legitimate like, charge. we're charging you with hyperlink assault. that's probably not the
right wording. Assault by Hyperlink. or something. I just really like the word hyperlink it's like, high-tech and spacey and stuff. I'm hyperlinking you the info as we speak. Hahaha... the word hyperlink is starting to make less and less sense to me. hey, did you know that there is a 100$ fine for not wearing shoes in the Metro? Yeah, crazy. He kept telling me it was an infraction. He also didn't speak a lot of english.)
For now,
For ever,
For better,
For worse,
times Four
PS. I fucking love Juice:
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