Okay, I was going to update yesterday but by the time I got home I was really tired and napped instead and yeah sorry about that team.
Anyhoodle! Questions!
1. alright so i read your earlier post about how you'd choose wealth over 'perfect love' or 'perfect happiness' (to simplify it)... but you see... if 'perfect love' is perfect, which implies it's subjective, than indeed your 'perfect love' could have those imperfections and challenges which you so desire, thus making it everything you want. same goes for happiness. so then which do you choose when perfection involves a bit of imperfection, a dose of challenge?
Part of me wants to still choose wealth, for the reasons I gave before, but that'd be kind of ignoring the question I guess. So I shall re-examine this one.
The only way the answer could be different, I find, would be if each one is mutually exclusive, that I can choose one and only choose one, and I can never achieve the other two. The way I see this is that since my perfect love and perfect happiness involves (Alvin says hi) the same problems and conflicts any happiness and love has, then no matter how I live my life, as long as I am constantly searching for love and happiness (which I plan on doing no matter what), then I will have my perfect happiness and perfect love. So, unless I can have one and only one, then no matter what, I will have all three if I choose wealth.
And if they are completely exclusive, then wealth is still the only logical answer, because I am stupid enough to completely connect love and happiness in my head. I will never be perfectly happy unless I'm in love and I'll never be perfectly in love unless I'm happy. So those are far too connected to me to choose one without the other, which is what I would have to do. Therefore, I must choose wealth, regardless.
Woo! I reasoned out the same answer even with that change! I'm rad!
2. Okay, so, At the beginning of our school year, one of my teachers made each student in my class write a question on a piece of paper. She said it could be anything we wanted, as long as we didn't already know the answer.
The other day, she randomly assigned all the questions to people, and told us to write a paper in response.
My fucking question is this:
"How many undiscovered places are there in the world?"
You're my only hope.
Hahaha, oh my lord, that is a dumb question. I mean the question you were asked. It's just a stupid question. It is a question that cannot possibly have an answer. 'Undiscovered' means nothing, really, in and of itself. Does it mean untouched and unseen by humanity? Or undiscovered by the Western World? Or what?
How about 'places'? What does that mean? How big of a place does it have to be to be a place? Is my living room a different place than my kitchen, or are they both under the place heading of my house? It's just vague. Does a place need to be physical, even? Can the mind be a place?
Even "how many" is stupid. Since that implies an exact number, which is impossible to find because if the places are undiscovered, then there is no way of knowing an exact number. I'm sorry but it's just a stupid, stupid, unanswerable question. It's like a koan.
So, here's my answer to the unanswerable question:
There are four undiscovered places. The mind, the soul, the land and the sea.
Okay, that was fun, I'm watching Hamlet, it's tight.
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