MondaynightTuesday for Friday. DayMoon

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

#1 As I See it:
Anonymous asked:
You have a friend who asks you a series of questions that you are required to answer all in one night at the same time. How do you feel towards this person?
ALTER EGO: I feel as if this question is hypothetical as I am answering this here question first. Right here. DO you want to know how I feel? I feel like someone who has trained hard al his life to learn how to read. Succeeded. Now I am using my powers in a perhaps meaningful fashion.
Thanks. THis is fun as shit. You could be fun shit. I might find out just how much.

#2 As I see it:
Anonymous asked:

You go to a party you thought was a costume party only to discover you're the only person dressed up, you wore something horribly embarrasing.
a) run
b) go with it
c) get pissed
Accompany with a explanation.

Alter Ego: With it. Embarrassment is a damned fun way into humbility, hilarity and who knows what. Do I know what? Tabarwhet?

#3 As I see it:
Anonymous asked:

You're surfing chat roulette and a girl is about to show you her boobs, then she looks up, her eyes roll back and she becomes possessed. Your reaction?

Alter Ego: (To:) Watch. Find out. 
I wonder what chat roulette is like. 
If she is doin' just fine and happens to be joking, I might ask her If I could sketch her.
Life models are not DayMoon affordable. 
CURIOSITY: Is this like a good stuff + bad stuff, and then what would you do sort of question? If so, then BOOBS are always nice, but the fact that a girl is showing her jugs, no matter how NICE, or not nice they are do not make me more attracted to that person. Nice jugs are a bonus. yoopie. The possessed part would just make e worried about this person who I have no personal ties to. How can I help? <-self asking self question.
Answer over.

#4 As I see it:
Anonymous asked:

You're in a car being driven somewhere and it crashes, you wake up in a Silent Hill type reality. What do you do? 

Alter Ego: Fuck shit up. WHen I die, eventually -either from long lasting survival or video game rated death- I will find out the truth of my unreal existence. Either that or I crash the game that is my life and I am stuck in who knows what.

#5 As I see it:
Anonymous asked:

What's your biggest regret from the last 7 days?

Alter Ego: I did not fall in love with a girl. 
Reflection: I might afterwards. She is someone who I would like to like and hopefully love to love. OBSTACLE: I do not know her too well. I love people that I know. DECAHEXTUPLE SECRET PROBATION OBSTACLE: We live in different cities as of TODAY.
Secret: I love CAPS LOCKS. Sorry, but capitals are like the unexpected crescendo  amongst a delicate and hopefully harmony filled song that give your ears vibrance. Colour-like, saturation-like vibrance. :Secret Over.

#6 As I see it: 
Anonymous asked:

Why do you like answering these questions so much?  

Alter Ego: Commitment is fun at first. If it is still fun, right now, then a good thing is in your life. Reflect on your life and admire the good. I answer them because you are nice enough to ask. Good night, dear.

#7 As I see it:
Anonymous asked:

You're in some messed up Saw-like moment, and you have to choose a sense to lose - either sight or sound. You're not sure what the consequences of not choosing are, but you know they're bad. What do you do?

Alter Ego: For those who use the internet and are not from this time where you could see the movie "Saw" I to VI  in theatres/tv, it is a serious torture people with movie effects and unique pain trains.
This, for me, is a question of whether or not I want to ever be a visual artist again, or a musician/ enjoyer of sound again. This is a silly, but tough hypothetical question. I suppose that I would hope for satisfaction in sight and dream of sound as incredibly as I could. 
Either choice is a life of regret; unfortunate. Sad. Give and take. I will try for happiness as hard as I can for as long as I can no matter the situation or consequences.

May I ask you a question? Never mind, I have nothing IN mind right now. 

I'm too self-conscious to not recognize this as sappy, but I'm also too self-conscious to call it that

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Moving's weird! I thought you'd get used to it but apparently not!
I spent so much time just looking at my possessions, looking at things like a kazoo and being like "Is this important enough to my happiness to warrant the space it'll take up in a box?" (I packed it, kazoos are rad). I don't know, I found I really only wanted to pack books. I brought records and CDs and movies and even found some awesome stuff I forgot I had (Like Hook on VHS! It is the best movie really it is and if anyone says otherwise I will fight them) but really I will hopefully not be watching every movie I bring, since most of them are terrible. 
I don't know, I really don't want to waste this year, if that makes sense. I want to do good things with my time. I might even try and cut myself off from the internet, which wouldn't really be that hard because the internet is where awful people meet (that's another Pictures for Sad Children reference, for those keeping score at home. God bless you John Campbell, God bless you.) and really I have been spending much less time on the internet than I used to. 
I want to make beautiful things and meet beautiful people and witness beautiful happenings and I think I'll be in a much better position to do that this year. And I also want to pass all my classes and party like a rockstar and all that jazz too. But, sorry Dad and partiers, that all seems kind of secondary to that main goal of this year. To do good. 

disclaimer about the question answering thingie

Friday, August 20, 2010

Okay, I feel like this might become a problem some time soon if it isn't already, but here's how I'm handling the question dealie. 
I only answer questions on Friday. 
I will only do one round of question answering on Friday. 
If you ask me a question on a Friday after I have already answered questions, then your question will be answered the next Friday. 
If you disagree with how I am handling this THEN I WILL FIGHT YOU ABOUT IT.

oh my goodness! QUESTIONS.

Oh my gosh apparently begging for questions actually works! I got like 3 more! IN ONE DAY! 
You guys are rad. I don't say it enough, but I mean it. You are all rad and beautiful people and maybe we should go get some coffee someday? Call me. 



Oh my goodness I am totally the wrong dude to ask about this man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Sylvain's dream version of me is not the real version of me. Besides, Vincent, if this is the same Vincent I think you are, you are in Toronto, where I don't really know very many people who smoke weed. If you wanted weed in Ottawa or Montreal, I might be able to help. Maybe. But no promises dude. 

2. how far would you be willing to torture a person if it meant saving your own life?

Tickling? A nefarious poke in the ribs? 
Okay, really, I'd have no idea unless I was in that situation, but the answer I would like to use (and since I'm trying to be who I want to be) is that I wouldn't torture them at all. 
Really, I hate violence. It is the one thing I am trying actively to hate. It's like Eleanor Roosevolt's Wartime Prayer (which incidentally is one of my favourite poems): "Dear Lord, lest I continue my complacent ways please help me to remember someone somewhere died for me today, and as long as there is war I first must ask then answer, am I worth dying for." This poem has honestly shaped my life so much, even without me being aware of it. It's part of the reason why I'm vegetarian, and definitely the reason why I try to enjoy being alive as much as possible. 
But, really, if my death would mean that someone would not suffer as much, then I would gladly die. And I realize that my life, no matter the life I lead, will result in someone else's suffering, and this is inevitable, and I think that everyone kind of realizes this. Like, I know by being alive, someone has died, and I can't really help this. But if I could consciously relieve someone else's suffering, by not torturing them, then that would be a good life. 
Having said that, I have never been in that situation, and I have no idea how I would react, or what I would do to keep on living. But that is the answer I would like to give. 

3. If you had to have sex with one famous male actor on the planet who would it be. I mean "male" in the strictest sense, none of that "gender identity" stuff.

Michael Cera. Because according to some people, I'm exactly like him, so it'd be like fucking myself! And haven't we all had that fantasy? 
Maybe Jake Gyllenhaal? He seems like a gentle lover. He'd treat me right. Also I totally have a crush on him. 
Is two enough? It's good to have choices. 
(DISCLAIMER: I am not gay. I have no problems with homosexuality, and sometimes I pretend for the joke of it, but I don't know the thought of sex with a dude is a completely non-sexual thought, if that makes sense. Moral of the story: I'm not gay. Also this whole disclaimer seems a bit homophobic. That was not my intention, gay dudes and ladies! Moral of the story: Maybe I'm a bit too self-conscious?)

4. Why do you like answering these questions so much?

Because it's fun! And it makes me update at least once a week! And also I promised I'd answer questions every Friday and I want to be able to answer more than one question when I do. Because I don't know I kind of feel like anything worth doing is worth doing right. Go big or go home. All that jazz! Motivational saying! Speech! WOO.

So remember folks, ask me questions sometimes and I will answer them on Fridays. 

Weed Man. 

Oh and also

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Please ask me questions I feel weird pleading like this but seriously man so far I only have one question lined up for tomorrow and that doesn't seem substantial. 
Even if you have already asked a question, ask another!
I expect everyone reading this to ask!
If not, then BAD KARMA. 

Don't mean we can't be friends, just means we have different agendas.

Okay this is going to be crazy brief because I have to work like a mofo mad early tomorrow and I should already be in bed and I am really tired and need to get up at like 5 tomorrow and wait why am I doing this again? I guess I haven't been updating that often but it doesn't seem like anyone's complaining? WHO KNOWS.
Anyway, yeah, I think I have stupid taste in music. Right now I'm addicted to this song by Andrew Vincent, called Keep it that Way. And I recognize it's a terrible song, but it's really upbeat and happy and catchy and I don't know it's kind of saccharine but it totally seems sincere in it and I really like it, because it doesn't really pretend to be a good song. It knows what it is, and it does it well, and it's really goddamn catchy. And I know I should be sincere in everything I do but that seems different than serious I think. I mean, you can be both passionate and irreverent, it's just harder.
And I don't know, I don't really want to be a serious dude. I mean, really, my passion in life is writing poetry. I contribute nothing to society but some prettiness or wittiness on a good day. And I suppose that's enough, but it'll only be enough if I don't expect it to do more. I guess my point is that I like my music like how I would like to be: sincere and true to myself. And I suppose I'm doing that?
Man, I should write more stuff like this, it makes me happy.
I should do stuff that makes me happy, I suppose.

mistakes were made

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I really hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here by saying this, as I'm not entirely sure whether or not I have the right, which probably means I don't, doesn't it? This is also not a plea for sympathy or anything. I will accept whatever condolences you have, but that's not the reason why I'm doing this.
My grandma passed away a few days ago. I'm only saying this to provide context for the rest of this post, and a bit to honour her memory. She was 88. She died peacefully. It wasn't really a surprise, at least not for me. It's still shocking and disturbing, but we knew it was coming.
You know, I actually had this big thing prepared, talking about Kurt Vonnegut and Buddhist teachings and the such, but it seems like that'd be evading the whole thing even more. And it's like that's what I've learned in the past few days: the thing about life is that it ends. And there's nothing you can really do about that.
I mean, really, life isn't all that precious, and it's not all that short, either. I mean, we live until we die. If we say it's precious, or that it's short, if we try to safeguard or prioritize our time like that, then I don't know, it seems like you'd just miss out. I'm starting to consider all experiences equal. It started with thinking about how every book contains the same amount of knowledge, more or less. I mean, I think that spending a day looking at a flower and a day walking through a field of flowers will still amount to the same amount of flower looked at. We say life is short, and we say that almost as an excuse not to take a long time to do anything.
I don't even know where I'm going with this, my head's in a million places right now, except that's not even all that true. I'm really tired, and I have to work again tomorrow.
I don't want to sleep, but I know I'm going to have to.
It's probably a mistake to post this.
Probably a lot of things are mistakes.
I'm not sure whether or not I should try to avoid making mistakes, or if I should just go with them, and see where I end up once the smoke clears.
I always liked surprises.

Fridays are fun because i get to answer your questions

Friday, August 13, 2010

Here's how it goes, tomorrow I'm going to be mad busy most of the day, so I won't really have a chance to answer the questions I am required to by court. So I'll answer them tonight, since hey it's Friday anyway I guess right? Right! So let's get started!

Anonymous asked:
Cake or pie?

A remarkable question, and one that I endorse. Off the cuff, I believe I'll have to go with pie, though I do love both. I don't know, there's something wholesome and good about pie. It's so rural America in my mind. And it's so delicious, and seems to take a skill that pie doesn't, which means it's baked with more love and goodness. Cake is still delicious, don't get me wrong. I love cake, but it feels so much more indulgent than pie. Eating pie just feels more right and virtuous to me. 

Anonymous asked:
The answer to this question will be the answer I will blindly adhere to for the rest of my life.

Oh man this is a lot of pressure I hope I can answer in a good way. 
"Over-exaggerate" is awesome and interesting because it seems redundant. I personally support the phrase, but I totally understand if people don't. I like it because it seems to mean to exaggerate too much. To exaggerate the exaggeration, so to say. It implies that there is an upwards limit to how much you can exaggerate something. Which means you can also "under-exaggerate". It adds relativity to something that seems to transcend relativity. I really like this, I think it's an awesome concept. 
So I guess yes it is okay. Have fun adhering. 

Anonymous asked:
If you contracted a disease in which every time you wrote a word you would be overwhelmed with pain would you still continue writing?

Honestly? Probably not. 
I realize this is the wrong answer, and that I should say I would follow my chosen craft to the ends of the Earth no matter the personal pain and suffering it would bring! But, really, if writing down a word would cause me overwhelming pain, I would probably stop writing down words. I mean, I love writing, I love putting down ideas and thinking up stories and trying out concepts and making little rhythms and rhymes and wordplays, and I want to do it for as long as possible, because it's fun, and I like doing it. And I would really like to do this with my life, and I think I'd be willing to sacrifice a lot for writing. Simply because I enjoy it so much. And I realize that pain and enjoyment are not necessarily opposing concepts, and you can have fun with something that is painful and everything like that. But being overwhelmed with pain with every word I put down doesn't sound like something I would want. And I guess I'd get used to the pain, but I definitely wouldn't write as much, I wouldn't write just for the hell of it like I do now, which would mean I'd probably fall out of practice, which would mean that I wouldn't be as good of a writer, which would mean I wouldn't want to write as much, and it'd just be this unending cycle of me not writing. 
And okay yes I realize I kind of need writing for the therapy and everything like that, but I think I'd be able to creatively express myself in other ways. Probably not as effectively, but I think I could still do it. 

Anonymous asked:
If you were the person to be standing outside alone when aliens landed, making first contact,
1.what would be the first thing you said to them
2.what would be the first human-achievement kinda thing you'd show them
3.what would be the first art-related thing you'd show them
4.if you had the option to leave with them and go back to their incredibly advanced super-society in which you would be able to stimulate your mind in unimaginable ways, unable to return to earth ever again... would you go

My answers are totally assuming there is no real communication barrier or anything, which really wouldn't be the case. I read an article recently talking about what is probably the best thing to do if confronted by aliens, and it basically said to figure out if they respond to light, and to demonstrate somehow that you can think intelligently.

1. "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind."
Except not, because I'd probably not quote Kurt Vonnegut for it. Man, I really don't know. Something like the above would really work, though. I know it's the sort of thing I'd want to hear first thing if I landed on an alien world. But I suppose I should be more original about it. Maybe something like, "Hey, welcome to Earth, I suppose your world's pretty great too, but I think this place is pretty ideal." 

2. Damn, that's a hard question. Especially since the art thing is covered in the next one. I mean, the two main branches of Human achievements is arts and sciences, and of those it seems to me that art is the only one that would be uniquely human in a way. I am in no way dissing sciences by saying that, but I just mean that science seems to kind of be a universal thing, something that would exist in all societies, especially ones that would be advanced enough to visit other planets. And really, I don't think I'm the right sort of person to show off our scientific achievements. Maybe I'll show them a Tesla Coil or something, because those are rad. Or maybe something ubiquitous and awesome, like indoor plumbing or fridges. I guess even science wouldn't really be universal, because aliens would be so inhuman that the problems they would want to solve with science would be completely different. Man, maybe even something like domesticated animals or, like, farms would be amazing to them. 

3. Hmm, wow, that is hard to answer. Obviously I would want to prove humanity's brilliance and advancement in the arts, but I don't think I'm really educated enough to really know the pinnacle of man's artistic potential. Besides, I keep of kind of forgetting that an alien will have an alien mind. What I consider to be completely brilliant and mindblowing might be completely mindless or simply not make any sense to them. Which presents a dilemma: do I show something completely and brilliantly human, or something I think they would consider brilliant? Do I want them to know us, or do I want them to like us? If it's the first, then I don't know man, I might have to go with my favourite contemporary book. Which I think would be Overqualified by Joey Comeau. This might be a weird or a bad answer but it's the answer I have. 

4. Oh good golly I do believe this is the hardest question I have gotten yet. Basically it's the choice between all the pleasures of this world, and all the pleasures of another. My first instinct, I think, would be to stay, but again I think that this is the wrong answer. And it feels a bit selfish, in a way. It's just that I really like the Earth, I really like the pleasure and suffering here, and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. But it's the sort of thing that it feels like the coward's way out, only going with what is familiar, going with what I trust to be good, instead of going out and trying my happiness somewhere else. Gah, oh my goodness, I really have no idea. I mean, I don't want to live somewhere super-advanced, I don't want to only stimulate my mind, I like being here right now, I like being human. I don't want to give up my humanity by leaving human society. But I guess I'll always be human. I think I could only go if I could get the answer to one question: Would I still be able to be between the ground and the sky? Because man, I know I would get lonely, I know I won't really be able to relate to anyone there, I know I might lose my sense of self and I might be unhappy. But I don't want to live my life scared of "might"s, and it'd be as true on that other planet as much as it's true here, I think. As long as I'm between the ground and the sky, I'll be okay. 

Okay, that's it for this week I guess. I don't know, I'm mad tired. Ask me a question if you think of one. 

oh golly that got away from me

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I was just looking for a new desktop background, and I remembered this photographer I liked for a while. He goes by the name of EVIL Patrick, and he did the photography for The Fugitive's album, Eccentrically We Love. The album had mad crazy art and I was looking for something similar. EVIL Patrick is a very good photographer, but I didn't find anything I really liked enough to put as my background. So I kept the one I have, it's still pretty. Anyway, on his site I did find this blog post called "Why Fireworks are Lame". I was slightly disappointed, it was mostly trumped up environmentalist bullshit and some "are people so simple that bright lights and noises amaze them this much?" And okay yes these are valid points, fireworks are shitty to the environment and maybe we shouldn't have this animal of a reaction to them, but I still like fireworks. I guess because I have an animal brain or something, but whatever. 
Actually, that's precisely why I like fireworks. They totally tap into something primal and vital in people's heads. The closest comparisons I can make to watching fireworks is watching a storm or a good band play a good show. There is the precise same reaction, to me at least, and there's the precise same immediacy to the act. I was talking to a friend a while ago about the Canada Day Fireworks, and he mentioned how this year they seemed to be better than last years, and I honestly could not compare the two. I mean, I remember the two events, I remember the emotions, I remember where I was and what I saw, but I could not compare them. I don't know really know why, it's like they were both so entrenched in the moment that I could not wrench them from that moment, and force them side by side in my memory. And I think, I honestly think, that any moment has the potential to be that entrenched in itself, and really the best moments are incomparable, even to similar moments. Fireworks are just easier to see this way. 
I don't really know man, I just like incomparable moments. I heard that perfection is found in the search for perfection, but life is never perfect, only moments are. And I like perfect moments. That may seem kind of self-evident, and unnecessary to say, but you ever think that maybe the things that are too obvious to say are precisely the things that need to be said? I think this all the time. And perfect moments aren't like what Vonnegut talked about when he said to notice when you're happy (though that is important too), because it seems like perfection and happiness are completely different things. Perfect moments are an entirely subjective, personal thing, I find. And they only last a moment. And it seems weird to say that perfection and happiness are different things, but it's like perfection has more to do with the Hindu concept of Dharma, which is basically every person's true path. When I think back to the moments I consider perfect in my own life, they are entirely who I want to be. My perfect moments are when I'm following my Dharma. And yeah I don't especially know my Dharma, but I'm getting a better idea, I think. And I've probably freaked out about this before but I think it's crazy that Dharma means both true path and teachings, like they're the same thing. And oh my goodness I am reading a lot about Buddhism right now and a lot of it is making a lot of sense. Like when I first read that Buddha considered 'right meditation' key to achieving Nirvana I kind of lost faith in the whole thing because that seemed to be more of the blind following of ritual that pisses me off about most religions, but then I read about meditation and it's a lot about growing self-awareness and feeling every part of your body and mind in a spiritual way, like just being yourself and being aware of yourself you can become enlightened, and I guess that works into this idea lately that any part of something includes the whole of something, and this could be applied to the universe like if I studied a goddamn Dr. Seuss book enough, eventually I will know physics and chemistry and I really like this idea, because it means that any object is spiritual, any book is a holy book, any man is a holy man, anything that achieve Nirvana. 

oh wow i guess this is like 2 days late oh well

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's THE TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED-FRIDAY! Please, let's just pretend, for the children's sake.
I only got two questions this week which is balls, and one barely applies anymore, but oh well, let's get this done.

1. How many Tumblr followers do you have? Do you follow anyone on tumblr?

Okay, yeah, this one barely applies. Oh well! I have no idea how many tumblr followers I have. My best guess is none, since I never got any emails saying someone followed me, and I tried to check when I first got this question and I had no idea how. There were nothing saying how many followers I have, or anything of that sort.
I did follow a few people. The only one that really updated, though, was The Daily What. I love that site, I still check it all the time, it's great. It's basically all the best parts of the internet in one place. Like, all the interesting blog posts and articles and pictures and videos on this one site. It really saves on time, and helps kill time, and yeah, it's pretty rad. I highly recommend it. I followed three other blogs, but they never updated, so I don't know why I bothered. One was called "Wait, what?" which was a collection of quotes that don't make any sense at all because there's no context to them. That was pretty great, but yeah, it never updated. The two others were the blogs of Yuko Ota and Ananth Panagariya. Who are very talented people and I wish they updated more. But they didn't. And everything they did update with was already covered in their very excellent journal comic Johnny Wander. Which you should be reading right now. Why aren't you reading it?
I also read another tumblr blog regularly, though I didn't "follow" it. It was called Dresden Codak, and it was this guy's (Aaron Diaz's) art blog corresponding with his exceedingly and heartbreakingly excellent comic of the same name. He also talks a ton about comic theory and composition, which is strangely fascinating to me even though I don't really write comics. Also wow writing all this down kind of makes me realize I'm a fuckin' nerd. Golly.

2.Would you rather have cats instead of forearms and hands (there are no back legs and you are in control of their head and arms, they live as long as you do and do not need to feed them)

Would you rather have two wolves act as your legs beneath the knee, giving you incredible speed and an appealing mysterious nature (again, you are in control)

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh good golly, I think this is my favourite. Not even my favourite question I have gotten, or my favourite sentence, or my favourite whatever. It is just my favourite. SORRY CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM YOU HAVE BEEN MOVED DOWN THE LIST.
I think I'm going to have to go with the wolves, even though the cats thing would be awesome and adorable and oh my god imagine holding hands that would be so cute. And ladies would be coming up all the time to pet my hands guys that'd be so rad. Oh man I think I'd actually really prefer that man. Okay, yeah switched my answer, I can do that! I'd rather have the cats. I think it'd just be easier day to day to live with. I mean, a mouth and fangs and front paws can basically do anything my hands can do. And yeah it'd be harder to write and type and read and stuff, but I could deal with that, I'm a survivor. Whereas if I had wolves instead of legs, which is really hard to imagine in the first place, so much would be messed up. I wouldn't be able to sit in a chair. I don't even know how I'd sit down. Or lie down. How would that happen? And yeah it'd be cool to be able to run quickly and everything, but after a while there'd come the realization that instead of legs I have gigantic fuckin' wolves. And that appealing mysterious nature doesn't mean shit if it's terrifying as hell. 
So yeah, cats instead of arms, final answer. 



i would walk

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm almost positive everyone reading this has seen the double rainbow video. I was late for that parade, I just saw it for the first time the other day. It's a funny video. I laughed. But I also came out completely respecting the guy in it. Like, after it was finished, I couldn't help but feel "man, I want to get some coffee with that dude and talk about life" because I have to respect someone who feels that sincerely and intensely about something like that. I heard somewhere that there were no drugs involved with that video, the reaction to the rainbow was his reaction. He's crying at one point, about how beautiful it is. And yeah it's funny and a bit pathetic but it also really isn't pathetic at all. 
I respect people who are who I want to be. I respect confident people. I respect passionate people. I respect sincere people. And I respect people who are spending their lives writing. I have to respect this guy. Or it's not even a matter that I have to, it's a matter that I do. I respect him. He's completely sincere and passionate in his reactions. People who can openly act that passionate are rad as hell in so many ways. And I kind of want to be one of them. 
It kind of reminds me of one of my favourite Jack Kerouac anecdotes. You might have guessed by now but I am completely obsessed with Kerouac. He's my favourite writer, and not just because his writing is amazing (though it is), but because on top of being a writer, he was also a man. It seems kind of easy for male writers to be like, "oh, I'm a writer, I don't need to be manly about what I do, I am here for a higher purpose than that." And I realize I'm not really a man at all, but I'm working at it, I think, or I would at least like to pretend, that I'm being a man even though I don't eat meat and write poetry. Anyways, this is getting off topic, the point is this story. 
So Jack blows into New York City one night, it's winter I think, and it's, like, past midnight or something. He tries to find this friend of his so he can spend the night on his couch, but when he gets to the apartment, a girl answers the door. Jack asks if his friend is there, and the girl says no, but he can come in for some hot chocolate if he wants. That night, that very night, Jack proposes to her. Of course the marriage didn't last, but somehow that story is one of the most romantic stories I know. I don't know, I think there's something amazing to falling so madly, recklessly in love that you know that quickly that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. And I don't doubt that that night, Kerouac did want with all his heart to spend the rest of his life with her. 
I don't know man, I just dig that sort of romance. 

Also I totally forgot about the question answers thing. I'll do it tomorrow. I'm tired. 


i have to stop being so obsessed with webcomics seriously i reference three here

Friday, August 6, 2010

Is there such thing as cheerful nihilism? If there is then I guess that'd be the best way to describe how I look at things. This viewpoint is very openly appropriated from my love of both John Campbell's Pictures for Sad Children (Read it! It's all online! I'd put the link but fuck links.) and Randall Munroe's XKCD (Though that love is waning because honestly the dude isn't all that funny most of the time I just like this one character that wears a beret. He is so cheerful and existentialist and awesome. Ditto on the link front.). If you read either of those you might know what I mean by cheerful nihilism. The comic currently on the front page of pictures for sad children is a rad example. My view on this very serious philosophical and moral perspective is probably giving some members of my readership aneurisms, since I am probably completely and utterly misrepresenting nihilism and all it stands for. I'll just state my case and if anyone wants to cock slap me or assign a new label to what I believe then go for it, I probably deserve it.
Even the basic dictionary definition of nihilism is going against what I personally believe, except for the last bit of it. The full definition is "the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless."Actually I guess I'm more existentialist, but whatever, let's continue. Life is meaningless. This is my starting point in so much that I do. Life is meaningless. Which means that everything I do in my life is meaningless. How could I not believe this? Have you ever stopped to consider precisely how small you really are. I did today, and probably for the first time I really realized it, and even what I realized wasn't the truth. I started to imagine myself as a figure in a scale model of whatever. I was that small, and so was the rock I was sitting on, and so was the bridge I was beside, and so was the tree above me, and so was the creek below me, and so on. I felt tiny. I am tiny. I mean, I'm 6 feet tall, which I guess is tall, but there are so many trees bigger than me, and there are so many mountains bigger than trees. And even mountains are just tiny bumps and contours on the Earth. Like a fingerprint. It's impossible to have perspective and not think that your life is meaningless. And I guess it's scary to have that perspective, to realize that a lifetime isn't really all that long, and that humanity isn't that big of a deal no matter how much damage we cause, and so on. I guess.
But I don't really know how anyone can look at the world in this way, with this perspective of no rules that really matter and no consequences past a few years, and not think, "fuck that sounds exciting." (I think I totally stole that from Joey Comeau but whatever.) That's where the cheerfulness comes in, in my mind. Because there's no reason to do anything there's also no reason not to do everything you can. And sure it might be futile, but whatever, man is meant to do things, so even with the knowledge that every breath won't accomplish anything, we'll still take those breaths. And I'm not saying that living without rules means you should go out and kill someone and steal shit because NO CONSEQUENCES. I guess it's kind of hypocritical that I'm talking about living without rules when I have rules, (No violence, no meat, no hate, et cetera.) but those rules are my rules, they aren't there because of the government or because of God, they're there because I want to live like that.
I kind of lost track of where I was going there, and man I am really goddamn hungry. So I guess I'll go have dinner at midnight because NO RULES DUDES!

hey gang!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I've been gone for a while! A hundred and one days, actually! Crazy, I know!
I guess this ends my summer of tumblr. You had a good run, tumblr, but you could never hold me down for long, I'm like a wild stallion, always chasing that sunset, you know? Of course you know! You're blogspot! You know everything! Sorry I said some mean things when I left!
Don't worry people who would worry about what'll change on this blog. Why do people worry so much? What sort of person worries about changes on a blog? Especially on my blog. Do I want these sort of people reading my blog? (Of course I do! I want all sort of people to read my blog! Also I like the word blog!) So yeah, don't worry worrying people, everything about the tumblr blog you came to love will still be here. Except for links, because fuck links. But yeah, I'll still answer your questions every Friday! There's even a link on the side there back to the old tumblr question asker thingie, because I don't know how to make a blogspot question thinger, so there it is! Sorry if this is confusing, but all will be made clear soon enough!
To bright horizons!