
Friday, June 10, 2011

bon soir canada,
how's it?
that's cool. god damn. i am so f'kin' tired bro. i want to say something cool and mindblowing and completely fuckin' genre-defying -defining -denying here but my brain just ain't working those cogs and gears right now. seems like ain't a lot is working the way it should. i want to say something life-affirming and remind myself i am CANADIAN and A MAN and ALL THESE THINGS I INSISTED ON IN EUROPE but the fact is that jet lag is fuckin harsh to deal with. if my head still thinks it's in paris does that mean i'm still in paris? where does my perception end and where do i begin or is there a difference or am i one and the same with how i perceive the world? and then, if that's the case, then why was perception altered when i was drinking absinthe? was i a different person then, or am i always and always will be LEE MOLNAR. and is that the sad fact that no matter where i go or what i choose or choosen't to put into my body my body will always be me? is that the case or were fluroscent bulbs always that goddamn beautiful? i don't know but i can tell you now that all i want to do is listen to tUnE-yArD and bliss out and simply accept the MADNESS screaming through these veins of city streets sleeping under the broken glass soft cells of my skin letting in the sunlight and holding it in there so in the middle of the night i scream light from every pore.
that is exactly what i want to say right now.
bon nuit paris.


DayMoon said...

Good night, sleep tight, young lovers. I am said tired. Your weariness comes out perfect like bass-bow swinging planes just gliding anywhere, but still downwards in the eyes-closed dusk of night. You know? You can tell there is a plane there, but you cannot see what kind. All you can see is that it is alive and moving and its fluid patterns up there are eccentric and beautiful, even with the engines cut. No need for power, just give me ground soon. Gradually I get to the ground and forget where I was and will be and fall asleep. Just like that soft landing, tired as the settling wind, plane.
Good night again. High fives to be had in morn. Adventure.