howdy fans

Monday, March 28, 2011

just a few things. mostly house keeping, but you know, it has to be done.
i'm opening up the questionery dealery deal again. just click the link at the side there and ask me freakin' anything, and i will answer it. it is my destiny.
i'm a bit hesitant to ask this next thing, just because it seems a bit desperate, but really i want to be desperate about this, so if you enjoy what i do here, could you, like, tell people about it? or let me know with comments? or something? i don't know man, i like doing this but i also like doing it when people are paying attention.


wermspat said...

I enjoy what you do here. I like reading your musings and I'd comment on them more except I can never think of anything intelligent to say. Comments from me would be more like spamming and off-topic ramblings.. so you're better off without. :P

Lee Molnar said...

are you kidding me man?
i love off-topic ramblings. that's what most of what i do is. please please please ramble off-topicly, it would be amazing.

jenrain said...

I really like reading your blog. I lost track of it when you went off fb but I googled you and found it again just now. Love it!

DayMoon said...

i am in funking love with this here blog. your words are inspiring even when you are being all desperate n such.