Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I got a question today and I'd rather not sleep so fuck waiting for Friday, let's do this up now. 

"getting totally smashed with strangers get really old really fast...... and it can be dangerous... wait, I shouldn't have said that because that might seem attractive somehow. Can you please explore this?"

I was kind of off-put by this question at first, since it's really structured in a weird way. It's really directing my thoughts to a very specific place, but whatever, that's where my thoughts are being directed I guess. 
Okay I am way more tired than I suspected. This may fall apart or turn lucid or turn awesome or something to that effect so either way we win? 
Anonymous Reader, it appears there's a pretty simple solution to your problem: stop getting totally smashed with strangers? I don't know, maybe find some cool dudes or ladies you feel safe around to get totally smashed with? I'm kind of curious why this is even an issue. If it's getting old, if it's not fun anymore, then why are you doing it? Unless you're doing it because it's dangerous, because of that wildcard factor, in which case how would it be getting old? 
Man, I just have a lot of questions here. But ignoring my questions, I actually kind of like drinking with people I don't know that well. I mean, I very rarely get to that totally smashed state, that's just not fun for me, but man it seems to me like one of the best ways to make new friends is to drink with them. That's how I became friends with my old roommates, it was fun. 
And it's awesome because the problems that arise when you're drinking are simultaneously insurmountable and easily solved. "Dude, how're we going to drink all this beer?" "Oh, bro, we managed to drink it all! That calls for another round!" "Man, she's totally into you, go talk to her." "Aww son she's leaving with that other guy, have another beer!" And really nothing brings two people together better than solving problems together. 
But yeah man, getting smashed with strangers doesn't really seem like a good time, especially if they stay strangers throughout the night. 
So, my final advice at this time is: if you don't want to do something, and there's nothing really obligating you to do it other than whatever bullshit social pressures or whatever, then don't do it. 
Problem: SOLVED!
Next mystery.