I like your activity

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sometimes Facebook is just the silliest thing. You know, sometimes I hate it, all the fuckin' status updates and regrettable photos, but other times, it makes up for all this. I am referring to a notification I got earlier today from a lady whose name will be disclosed due to legal reasons, and it read, "Mary-Ann Blutarsky likes your activity." That is not her name. This is hilarious. It's so vague but the language is so specific. I cannot be alone in thinking this is hilarious. Also, "I like your activity" is likewise hilarious, but adds a veneer of the romantic to the equation, I do believe. It might just be me. This also segues quite nicely into my next point. (Is it still a segue if it is pointed out as one? A segue is to move uninterrupted from one thing to another, and I guess the parentheses interrupt, language is confusing.) Anyways, my point: there are a lot of interesting people. I was walking back from class, and I saw two girls leave a caf, and I don't think they knew each other, but one was wearing a leather jacket with an amazing amount of confidence, and the other had all of her hair hidden in a hat, so it all bulged on top, and I don't know, I just really wanted to talk to them. They seemed incredibly interesting. And the more I walked, the more I saw people wearing things or doing things that are incredibly interesting. Like there was this old dude with a beret and a moustache, or this guy with a bandana tied around his head like a hippie, and I wanted to talk to these people and know them. And then, of course, I wanted to be one of them. I kind of realized that I don't want to be cool, I don't want to be mysterious or aloof, I want to be interesting. I want to wear weird things that have stories. I have a theory that when you wear name brands or jerseys, you're made that much less interesting, at least on a cosmetic level. I mean, I have nothing against people who wear jerseys or whatever, I know a lot of people who do and they're cool guys and gals, but the problem is that there's no character to these things, there's no story behind how you got them. Oh, cool, you like Arsenal... Cool... No, but if you have, like, an interesting hat (I don't really know what I'm talking about) there's a reason why you have that hat, maybe it reminds you of someone or something special, or you got it in a cool place in Halifax, or wearing this stupid hat is just who you are this week. That interests me, brands don't do it for me so much. This ended up a lot more anti-conformist than I expected, man, I'm sorry guys, I try not to be like this, I mean, I had those Olympics Maple Leaf gloves and my favourite shirt is from Aeropostale, if I'm anti-conformist I'm doing a pretty bad job at it, fuck it, I'm tired, and desire sleep, maybe I'll be an interesting person tomorrow.