A day in the life

Sunday, February 7, 2010

People always come up to me, and are like, "dogg, you so cool, but so mysterious and distant, I want to know you, like the real you, like the you in your soul" and then we make out for a bit, but I digress. So, to ruin the mystery, shatter the facade, tear down the curtains, set flame to the smoke and mirrors of my life, I'm going to let you in on a secret: I'm basically a stoner without drugs.
I'll elaborate. On facebook recently, there's been this group, "Can this onion ring get more fans than Justin Bieber?" that I've been paying attention to because fuck it's getting a lot of fans and I don't entirely know why. For serious, every time you refresh, there's a hundred new fans. There's, like, 1,200,000 fans now, and it's only been like 4 days. Ridiculous. Anyways, after obsessively refreshing this page over and over again for a day, I started to get really, really hungry. I looked at that picture of the onion ring covered in batter and deep-fried to perfection, and I imagined sinking my teeth into it, and have the taste of the onion explode into my mouth and making me nigh-unkissable for, like, a day. Or until I brush my teeth again, they both fit. Here's the deal though, when I get
Haha, it's actually ironic, but the rest of that sentence was going to be, "an idea, I don't let go." But then I went to get some more onion rings and completely forgot about this post. Here I am, about 3 days later, and it was just sitting on my computer that whole time. And looking back on this post, I realize that I am pretty much full of shit. I don't know, I've just been trying to figure a lot of things out, my life's been kind of messed up lately and it's freaking me out. I'm trying to find all these niches to fill, all these things I can do, and it is helping, but I haven't really found it yet. I've been attempting more art, I've been walking more, listening to more and new music, and it's all helping, but I feel like there's something missing. But, today, I was sitting in Cafe Baleze, reading poetry and drinking coffee and it was perfect. There were some girls laughing in the back and some old men talking in French near me, and classical music playing and I was there reading poetry, and I was happy. The Superbowl had started, and I was afraid people would judge me for doing homework in a cafe rather than being somewhere drinking and watching it, but the more I read Sharon Olds and Allen Ginsberg and the colder my cappuccino got, the less this stuff mattered. I think I need to start loving where I am and being where I love, and yeah that's hard to do but I think I can do it. Sorry if this got angsty and I'm sorry for anyone who wanted to hear the rest of the onion ring story (spoiler alert: I got onion rings) but it just feels right to do it this way. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it happened, I just did it, and there you go.


Ben said...

Lee, you are pretty awesome. Man, reading your blog, I'm not suprised we're friends. Good to see you're growing. That's the thing about love, sure it makes life wonderful (albeit stressful as fuck at times), but you can so easily forget about everything else, or yourself or... something... Shit. What I'm trying to say is, gaining love involves loss, (and even stagnation). Can't get something for nothing (you can get overly comfortable where you are and forget to move). We can only hold onto so much at one time, physically, mentally, emotionally, whateverly... and that's ultimately what I'm trying to say. Whatever, Lee. :P

Anonymous said...

Best post ever.