Happy Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 14, 2010

So, today's Valentine's day, and I feel like I need to remind myself of this fact. Even though I'm spending it working in my room, and it would be incredibly easy and probably better for my happiness if I didn't think about it, I feel like I have to. I mean, I need to remember what's happening if I don't want to fall off the face of the planet. It's kind of funny that remembering what love is and what it does is keeping me grounded. Because, really, no matter how alone I am, how much I cry myself to sleep at night because I have nobody (and it's every night, sometimes more than once in the night), how much I want to yell in a drunken stupor while wearing only a bathrobe (or in my case, a backwards snuggie) at the couples walking down the street, I honestly like love. I'm a fan. Yeah, it fucks you up and all that jazz, but I don't know, love is what makes pigeons pretty and music danceable and art worth doing. And yeah, Valentine's day is incredibly Hallmark'd, but I don't have a problem with that. Valentine's day is a day for everyone who wants to do something to prove their love to have an excuse, it gives all those nervous dudes and ladies a reason to make a move. And I respect this, I love this, it's beautiful.
I guess that's all I really have to say. Love is beautiful and I dig Valentine's day. Just not really this year.