Howdy. I know that it has been a long time since I have last posted. Regardless the story is finished. I am proud of it. It has actually been finished since April or May of 2011. I, however, have not been lazy. It pains me so much that I have ten million responsibilities, when all I want is to be a kid and have fun with my years of know-how, creative urges and friends. FRIENDS! DAMN, friends are one of the most important things to have in your life at aLL times.
Dear Hope and Derring Do, I miss my great friends greatly and my super friends superlee -der, I mean, supremely. I cannot know how long it will be before an other post from alter ego Daymoon, but make sure to check out the PROLOGUE/EPILOGUE when you are finished with this writy-dighty WHO-HAW!

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