people will, in fact, be dancing in the streets.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ello lee. hello. (I found this written here, it didn't seem like my place to interfere)

Today I walked barefoot. I think I promised my parents I wouldn't do that anymore, and for that, I'm sorry Mom and Dad. I just woke up this morning with my heart bursting poetry, and this doesn't really happen all that often. I woke up with the sun on my face and contemplated how it parkour'd it's way down from heaven, along the clouds, through the trees and red brick buildings of my neighbourhood to wake me with a kiss and a smile. My shower head serenaded me, sang to me, "Hush little baby, don't you cry" like a refugee mother hiding from el policia on a boat, keeping her babe quiet. And I stepped out to get some milk and cereal, wearing shoes, and decided I didn't want to do that today. Today would be a day for poetry and music and barefootedness. I hope that's a good enough reason, mum and dad, I didn't hurt myself this time at least. 
I have hurt myself going barefoot before, I once stepped on some jagged wood on someone's lawn, went straight into my foot. The blood came out and I was far from anyone I knew. I considered hoofing it home but after a few steps in my blood soaked flipflops I decided to call in a miracle instead, and I called my friend who's house I just left. They picked me up, and I got the best care expired pharmaceuticals and pre-med students can give me. For that I was eternally grateful, I don't even have a scar. 
I guess that's the thing about going barefoot, I get hurt. I get cuts and my feet ache and my feet get cold and really it isn't that pleasant of an experience, but I'm never scarred, it's never permanent. And for some reason it makes me feel good, it makes me feel like I know who I am. 
And I guess it makes me feel like I know who I am because it makes me feel like I'm not a nobody, because I'm not a nobody, I'm that kid you saw on the street not wearing shoes even though it's the first day of the year that you could reasonably wear a coat without being a pussy about it, and though his feet must be freezing, when you catch his eye he is inexplicably smiling back, and you look away and get back to your business. And because I don't feel like a nobody, I feel like I can be somebody, and I have no shame in being a somebody. 
I let the music flowing from my iPod flow through my veins, so I can twitch and shake along and smile at the clouds and stop in the middle of the sidewalk to write a poem and laugh out loud to funny things that people say around me, and I catch people staring and they have no shame in staring. I have no shame and they have no shame and where there is no shame there is only pride, there is only heads held high and eyes not afraid of looking at each other and discovering the oceans of the rivers bursting their banks behind eyelids and smiles come a little bit easier to lips and thus kind words and laughter bursts across the streets and you know what man, that's what I want to build where ever I go. Fuck foundations of stone and great fortresses to stand on top of and observe the stars. I want to build block parties where I go, where people bring out their goddamn guitars and sacrilegious sagacious songs of peace and love and all those bullshit Beatles ideals. I want people to be singing in the street. I want people to fall in love under streetlights. I want people to be beautiful again. Beautiful and pure and barefoot. 

Boy howdy that was fun to write. 


Cyrano's Moustache said...

Long live les pieds nus

Gillian Massel said...

"O happy earth, Whereon thy innocent feet do ever tread!"
- Edmund Spenser (The Faerie Queene)

Anonymous said...

update more often!!!