Hourly Haikus

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I want a cat. I love my apartment right now, but it's lacking something, it doesn't have the soul I want it too. And I think a cat would accomplish that. A little calico kitty drinking out of the sink and sitting on our high chairs, it'd be great. 
I also want a word that means the same thing as love does but for want. Like, I would love to have, but that's too long and the word I want needs to be a one syllable exclamation of extreme desire, but that can be subverted and adapted like love is. 
Anyways, I have hourly haikus to share with you dudes and ladies. They're really hourly haikus and senryus, but that doesn't look as nice as hourly haikus. I think we sometimes forget the visual side of words. Is there physical alliteration, based on what it looks like? I think we don't know how to read without our voices, and that's terrible. I want to write things that just look good, without any meaning beyond what it looks like. Poetry focuses too much on sound, we don't realize the visual side is important too.

Anyways, onto the haikus!

12:46 am
Three guys sitting
around a table -
laughing at riddles.

1:49 am
Crane hovering above
churchyard trees - framed
against the orange sky.

2:01 am
Johnny Depp and
Edmund Spenser hold conversation
in my head.

12:47 pm
Balding heads, unfortunate
facial hair and man 
purses passing by

1:56 pm
Gradient leaves
mourning the loss
of magic.

2:41 pm
Men in white
hats scale the church's

3:29 pm
Dogs run free in 
the park - six
children on a leash

4:31 pm
The sky darkens
and fuck me, I want
to love you.

5:37 pm
30 cent ramen
and Tiger Woods

6:29 pm
Girl in front of me
pulls out orange juice
and paper towels.

7:22 pm
Two dollars -
I get a pepsi 
for dinner.

8:42 pm
Like cub scouts -
talking bullshit
in a circle.

9:55 pm
Falling asleep on
a cuddly lady who smells
like banana.

10:58 pm
Discussing the artistic
process and childhood trauma
with laughter.

11:17 pm
Cars speeding
by me and I'm
walking faster.

The End

Ok, I think that turned out ok, definitely some of them are crap, and others are worse, and most are senryus instead of haikus but barely anyone knows the difference these days so who cares, right?
Hope you like them.